I read The Star this week and found out that The Kiss 100 team was going all out with the Nokia C3: They had a plan to sell Nokia C3s for 5000/- bob at certain Safaricom dealers.
Basically You had to listen to Kiss 100 and wait for presenters to tell you where this amazing and unbelievable deal was going down, and then rush like a mad person to that location;once the presenter in question had been spotted, the phones would sell for 5000/-.
So when i bumped into Kalekye at Sarit I wasn't too surprised as i had heard Lynda stating that Kalekye would be heading there (I had heard Caroline and Larry in the morning prompting listeners to head to Moi Avenue as Jalango would be heading there for the mad giveaway)I politely inquired if she was ready.
Which is when she told me to peer down the ramp to the Safaricom outlet, and i nearly died of shock-it was only 11.15 and the line of customers was snaking it's way up the ramp!! Eager beavers had been skulking around since 9am- (I spoke to Wairumi who said she had been there since 6.30 in the morning!!WHAT????).
The lovely Nokia people and safaricom handlers guided us in to shouts of "Kalekye' "Kiss 100 wameingia" "si unipatie Hiyo Nokia C3" and the love, desperation and excitement was thick in the air.
My jaw had initially dropped as I had never seen so many people in such a small pace all clamoring for limited amounts of the hand-set!! Age, race, ethnicity, nor gender mattered as everyone jostled to get their phones.
In we went and as Kalekye organized the crowd by telling them anyone who shoved, pushed or rushed in uncouthly would not be tolerated, the Safcom and Nokia guys were busy stringing last minute details together.
The doors then opened and in rushed the crowd as organized as could be!!
Thank you's were uttered as happy customers left the store clutching their phones in their bags and beaming the biggest smiles i had ever seen.
And I have to say, this was 1 of the most memorable experiences of my life and Kiss 100 together with Nokia have made media history!!
Keep it here for more exclusive Nokia C-3updates...
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