Former Idol judge-Angela Angwenyi is all set to spread her wonderful style with her new fashion house-Out of the box-fashion, Which caters for both men and women and encompasses trendy, sexy, formal , casual and party wear…and since Angela Lives, breathes and eats fashion who better to style the rest of us up.
Here's our 1 on 1 with her:
When did Out Of the Box- fashion start?
I officially I opened shop this weekend on Saturday.
When and why did you decide to start it.
Well I love fashion and I like to be on top of it wearing it and reading about it …I live breathe and eat fashion and music . So I realized there are few places in Nairobi where women who love fashion can shop for quality clothes in the latest trends and at a great price…so that’s why I started my own fashion house to share my love of fashion with everyone
Who do you cater for?
I cater for both men and women both formal , casual and party wear…I brought in some stock to test the market with so my clients can tell me what they want me to bring in and what they need brought in….so this is the first round of stock and the next one will be bigger and better with exactly what you want
Where can I come buy the stuff?
You can call these numbers for more information 0701039139 or 0731652702
Watch out for Angwenyi’s out of the box fashion-It’s a revolution.
For more information also check out their Face Book page: OUT OF THE BOX- FASHION or email angwenyi@outofthebox.com for details
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