Ever wondered what Cristiano Rolando is like in between the sheets?
Well thanks to British model, Jasmine Lennard, we don’t need to fantasize anymore. In a new article she tells all about his super soft side and what’s underneath those shorts.
But ladies don’t expect Ron to come ask you out as he will be sending send one of his merry men to do his dirty work for him while he watches on, flashes a toothy smile and offers an -arrogant wink in their direction.
Plus don’t be fooled that he doesn’t speak English well, or can’t hold an intelligent conversation, So if he conveniently becomes verbally disabled when being ¬confronted by a scorned woman at which point everything becomes “que que que” and “I don’t understand”-walk away ladies.
According to Jasmine his appetite for women is insatiable. He boasts of sending group text ¬messages when among friends to ¬women saying “Hola bebe, I am thinking of you” and seeing how long it takes and how many replies he receives.
He also talks of allocating time slots for his women to “skype date” with him over the internet. One of his latest ¬conquests was the American socialite Kim Kardashian.
Check out an excerpt on her article
"On occasion I saw a softer side to him though. Like when he spoke about the death of his father, and how sad he felt that he did not live to see the luxuries he is now able to provide for his ¬family.
Or his mother’s battle with cancer and what he went through with her, donating £100,000 to the hospital he credits with saving her life.
These moments were, however, few and far between. They left me confused as to who he really was. Was he a womanizing egomaniac or simply an immature kid with too many “yes” people around him and a lot of growing up to do?
I was happy to entertain hours of late- night conversation in a quest to work this out. But it became hard work. ¬Receiving up to 15 messages a day from him, it was exhausting trying to please him/entertain him/keep him satisfied."
Women run the other way and men please stop chest bumping and giving each other high fives about his womanizing ways-he is the player who will end up broke and alone with no game and no scores (pun intended on all)
Not exactly something you want to be looking up to!
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