Warning-parental approval needed (bad language)
The third tape is here. The third tape of Mel acting like a loon. All of those people who claim that Mel was just having one bad day? That he was stressed out once and to make himself feel better he just had to relax by calling his ex-girlfriend a c-nt who would be raped by a pack of n-ggers and that he would bury her in the rose garden because she deserved it? Yeah. Bullsh-t. This is who he is.
This third tape is interesting for several reasons. First, Mel uses the work “wetbacks”. So he’s an equal opportunity offender. Secondly, Oksana gives him some fight during his tirade, yelling back a little and defending herself. But even she can’t keep up with the torrent of abuse Mel throws at her.
Here are some of the highlights of the conversation:
Mel: “You’re a f*cking mentally deprived idiot. You’re a f*cking using whore…I own you… You don’t count.”
Mel: The baby should be here and she work at my house.
Oksana: The baby is with me, where I am. You’re insane.
Mel: “I will fire (name omitted) if she’s at your house. I will make it known and fire her. I’ll report her to the f *cking people that take f *cking money from the wetbacks, ok?”
Mel: “I’m paying my tax money instead of the credit card (bill). Don’t you get it?”
Oksana: “You made me moneyless.” Oksana tells Mel. “I used to have hundred thousand dollars a year when you met me. You took me, you possessed me. Everything I am you own me with my liver and my kidneys and my thoughts and my soul. Everything! My career, whatever it is. Pathetic career. Whatever it is, it’s yours. You control me like marionette. I don’t belong to myself, only to you. I can’t do anything and I walk on eggshells always with you!
Mel: “That’s because you’re a f *cking using whore! Now, I own you. F*ck you. You’re a f*cking whore.”
Oksana: “I’ve given you everything. I’ve been your woman. I’ve given you a child.”
Mel: “You would have done it for any f*cking (person),” Mel screams. “You probably f*cked (name omitted). I know you did.”
Oksana “I’ve never had a bad word said about me in entire life. And then you’re telling me you’re taking away whatever pennies you’ve given me? I don’t have anything because I’ve given you my life. Three years now!”
Mel: “I gave you everything. Don’t you dare f*cking complain to me! I don’t f*ckin’ hear you! You don’t f *cking count! You’re a f*cking using whore!”
Oksana: “I’m not the whore and I’m not the bitch and I’m not the c*nt and I’m not the user and I’m not the thief and all those words. And I’m not a liar. All this, all this lies. All this lies. I’m not a whore or c*nt or thief or prostitute or anything that you call me. I’m not a user. I’m not a gold digger. I don’t have any money and no property assigned to me. That’s a gold digger for you? Are you insane? Yes, you are of course. We can hear that because you’re screaming.”
Oksana: “You f *ckin’ ignorant bitch?! I don’t understand you! You’re saying stupid sh*t! How dare you f *cking even insult me with some of the stupid reasoning you have? Your logic sucks, because you’re a f *cking mentally deprived idiot!”
Mel: Go look after my child!
Oksana: She’s my child too.
Mel: Yeah I know, unfortunately you c*nt whore! I hope she doesn’t turn out like you!
(transcript courtesy of: www.radar.com)
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