And speaking of Mel- When will these famous types learn that no good comes from texting?!(Look what happened to Tiger?)
With officials agreeing to look into Mel Gibson's accusation that Oksana Grigorieva demanded $10 million from him in exchange for keeping those nasty tapes under wraps, there's now a report that Grigorieva may have left textual evidence of her alleged intentions.
Apparently, if such a plan existed, it failed. But who's telling the truth here?
Well authorities have a text from Grigorieva to Gibson in which she tells him that she recorded their conversations because and I quote "you broke your agreement with me."
There are also emails that Gibson's camp will use to make its case.
Grigorieva, meanwhile, continues to stick to her guns and deny any wrongdoing. (Maybe she can explain her bad taste in men to Oprah someday.)
It's also unclear what happened to the $15 million settlement Gibson and Grigorieva arrived at.
But in all of this I can bet you his ex-wife is having the last laugh...
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