TV bosses decided to end hit mystery series Lost becausethey "ran out of ideas."
The show, starring Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly, beganin 2004 and is set to conclude this year at the end of the sixth season.
And now co-creator Damon Lindelof has admitted some of thepast episodes weren't up to standard, and they didn't want to risk running outof ideas again by keeping the series going.
He tells the Hollywood Reporter, "Look, it would benice to look back and say, 'we love every episode of Lost and every episodeturned out the way we wanted it to'. There are s#*tty episodes of Lost that wewish we had never written. But had we not written them we would be in adifferent situation now, because we ran out of ideas, we stalled, then thenetwork realized what we had been saying from early on - that Lost needed anend date."
"And now here we are six years later on broadcast witha show that is - not what it once was (in the ratings) - but still performing,and we're ending it on our own terms because we had s*%tty episodes."
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