Conan O'Brien is losing "The Tonight Show" but he'll be getting a $32.5 million consolation prize courtesy of NBC ...
According to TMZ, Conan has agreed to sit on the bench until September. Basically -- he can't host another show until the fall.
In addition to the $32.5 mil, NBC is also paying severance to Conan's "Tonight Show" employees. In all, NBC's payout is around $40 million (according to sources).
But Conan probably won't see close to the $32.5 mil. Under the deal, any money Conan makes during the remaining contract period with NBC will offset the network's obligation. So, if Fox were to make a deal with Conan and pay him $25 mil during the NBC contract period, Conan would only score $7.5 mil from NBC.
One well-placed NBC source told us something surprising -- looks like NBC may keep its intellectual property rights. So Conan can't take his creations -- such as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and the Masturbating Bear -- to his next gig.
TMZ also saidthe Conan/NBC deal still isn't completely done, but it's very close.
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