Are you gonna be in coast this weekend then guess who will be with you!!
yep, the 6:AM DJs on Saturday night and Blankets & Wine XV all Sunday afternoon.
Advance tickets: Ksh 1,500 adults; 500 for children below 12 years old.At the gate: Ksh 2,000 adults; 700 for children below 12 years old.
Advance tickets available between 20th March and 2nd April at: 40 thieves Diani, all Dormans outlets Nairobi & Mombasa, 6AM DJ’S on info@6amkenya.com, and email to muthoni@muthonimusic.com header PRE-TICKETS for B&W XV, an email to muthonindonga@gmail.com
* Proof of age may be required
*Pre-Party with 6AM DJ’s on Saturday, is open to persons 18years and above only
Accommodation: To make your lives simple we have some accommodation deals sorted. All accommodation is within walking distance of 40’s Please follow the following link to find the information http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddxcm55j_118d4k7gtph
Transport: there are 12 more spaces left on the 28 seater bus leaving on Saturday 3rd, 9:00AM and returning Monday 5th 11:00am please contact or muthonindonga@gmail.com ASAP to book those spaces. A return ticket is 3,000ksh per person.
For more information, to invite your friends, post pitures from last year etc, please log onto to http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=375606831136
Tickets: One ticket admits you to both events
Way cool!!
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